PhD. Eng. Luciano Oldecop


Luciano A. Oldecop was born in Buenos Aires city, Argentina, on June 13rd, 1964. He graduated as Civil Engineer from the National University of San Juan in 1989 and, in 2001, he graduated as PhD in Roads, Channels and Port from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain.

He began working at the Earthquake Research Institute (IDIA-UNSJ) in 1990. He carries out research, teaching and transfer activities for mining and hydroelectric companies and government institutions. His research works comprise geotechnical seismic engineering, soil liquefaction, atmosphere interaction, seismic hazard, safety of dams and mining waste deposits, monitoring, lab tests and mathematical modelling.

He has participated in numerous national and international research projects and has directed master’s and doctorate theses. He is member of the Argentine Society of Geotechnical Engineering and the Seismological Society of America.

He is Director of the PhD Program in Civil Engineering and Co-Director of the Master’s Program in Earthquake Resistant Structure Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, UNSJ. He has been Professor in the UNSJ since 2012 and from September 2019, he is the Deputy Director of IDIA.